OFF Newsletter #2 - More New Songs With Morusque!

Hello officionados!

I hope you are doing well since the last newsletter.

Today we reveal one of the pieces composed by Morusque, who took care of a large part of the ambient music related to the different places in the game. Just like for Toby Fox, I'm extremely happy to have him in the team, and I love the compositions he made. He managed to transcribe with great accuracy the original atmospheres, adding just the little strange sparkle that was needed to give a new pleasure of discovery to each environment.

Morusque comes from the same obscure old school French-speaking video game creation forums as me, and I have loved his work for a really long time now. He's a great and weird artist, and there was one time when we didn't know each other in person he came to wake me up while I was taking a little nap at a video game festival somewhere in France, then we chatted a little bit and I was really happy to have met him. Isn't that a good story?

I'm really excited for you to discover all this new music, in addition to the other new features in this updated version. Thank you for your enthusiasm, and have a great day! See you soon!

Mortis Ghost


Hey there everyone!

Last time we revealed some of the new battle music for OFF, and thank you very much for the kind comments! Many of you had noticed we had labeled the song as being specific for Zone 1… and we will have more to discuss about the other Zones at a later date. :)

A lot of comments asked about the new music for the Overworld of OFF. Today we’re giving a first look at the music of Morusque in his interview, in particular the Zone 1 Overworld and the Post Office.

If you haven’t yet, please wishlist the game on Steam!

Ryan Alyea

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