OFF Newsletter #3: Quinn K. talks localization and game dev!

Hello everyone,

Today's focus is on the translation of the game, a task that has been carried out by Quinn for the three English-language versions to date, and it is on her work that the Fangamer teams based themselves directly to produce this new version. Frankly, without her OFF would never have achieved a hundredth of the success it profits today, international big up to her, eternal thanks through the big underwater tubes that criss-cross our planet, may the echo of my gratitude never cease to resonate in them, in her direction. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all the volunteer translators at OFF, who had the determination, year after year, to transcribe the entire script of my little game in lots of languages that I don't understand anything about. Very seriously, I'll keep thanking you until my deathbed, my last thought will be for you before my final little wink.

Okay, I hope you're doing well, don't worry I'm not going to die right away, there's still a little work to do on the new version.

See you soon, I wave goodbyes to you.

Mortis Ghost


Hey everyone!

We had a few comments last week about the “missing meat” in the Zone 1 preview track. In the game, the meat version of No Precipitation is a separate track so we made a hidden link in the word “meat” in Morusque’s interview to the song. Only 97 views at the time of writing, so congrats to those of you that managed to find it!

Thank you very much to everyone helping out with the amazing number of wishlists we have received. Since this edition is about localization, we also have some additional localization news: we're happy to announce that we are bringing OFF to three additional languages: Italian, German, and Spanish. Localization has already started, and we will announce availability sometime in the future.

On top of that, we have been hard at work adding additional Steam features. We now fully support Steam Cloud, Steam Achievements, and the virtual keyboard on the Steam Deck and Big Picture Mode. We're very excited about your support so far on Steam, and if you haven’t yet, please wishlist the game on Steam!

Ryan Alyea


Since this week’s interview spotlights Quinn K. and her hugely important work on the game’s English translations, I thought it might be interesting to look at some places the game’s English will and won’t be changing.

Competence: If you’ve dug into the French version of OFF already, you might know that the French “Compétence” would generally be translated as “Skill” in this context. Like Quinn before us, we’ve kept “Competences”—it’s just too much a part of the OFF lexicon at this point.

The Up-Children-Down: The titles of the library books were originally translated by a French-speaking friend of Mortis Ghost’s, rather than Quinn. In French, this bit of light reading about miasmic forces swarming around in the belly of the world is called “Les Enfants-Vers.” “Vers” is a preposition you can use to mean “toward” or “around,” but it also means worms, which seemed to make more sense in a swarming-around-in-the-belly context.

We asked Mortis about it and he confirmed that the up-children-down are actually The Worm Children.

That’s Practical: I think everyone has a little bit of a prior OFF translation that’s stuck around in their head ever since they first played it. Mine is the Batter in 2.0 saying “This Add-On is fighting by my side… that’s practical.”

Quinn updated that to “That’s useful” for 3.0, but when it came time to write the product page copy for the Batter Hat it seemed like a perfect chance to include an easter egg for longtime OFF fans.

Dan Moore

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